Tag: Build

Make it work – Project

Kia ora everyone, This term for our theme it was make it work. Team 5 were told to build something that could help or change our school for the better. My group decided to make a bench because we did not have enough seating area for our school. But instead change of plans we were told that we did not have enough money which we did but its okay because we made a model version of a bench. I’m feeling very angry and sad because who will sit on our small little bench nobody!! right so it might as well go to someone who likes playing with dolls so instead of it being our seating area it can be the dolls seating area!. Anyways i need to be positive and clear that out of my mind because at the end of the day it was fun to make it with my group, we had lots of ups and downs but it was still very fun. Hope you have enjoyed our movie that we made 🙂